tisdag 16 oktober 2018

Somalis in Sweden

Somalis in Sweden

You might be asking how many Somalia-born immigrants are living in a special country like Sweden.  According to several institutions, nearly 63,853 people are from Somalia families.

In fact, after the civil war on Somalia, many of them were moved to Sweden and remain there until these days.

These are the concerning data we have got:

·        Half of the Somali women do not live with the father of their children, so basically, only 3 out of 10 Somalis are receiving primary school education.

·        1 out of 5 Somali men will be prosecuted and charged with cases of robbery or assault. These are violent youngsters.

·        Also and even more concerning, 4 out of 5 Somali immigrants are unemployed and only 70% have some kind of primary education.

A whole different culture

People in Sweden are not especially welcoming with the Somalis immigrants, and most they treat them as outcasts. Sometime to be expected as they are a non-intellectual or least educated as other immigrants coming from a country with the best education system.

Lack of education is a direct consequence of violence, outcast and bad life in general.

The culture in Sweden is completely different from the culture on Somalia –not speaking of the weather-, and that’s why probably these immigrants are having such a bad time in integrating into the Swedish culture.

Their integration is about time, like all those immigrants from different cultures in different powerful countries in the world. However, it’s taken more time than expected and causing a lot of trouble to the security and the politic situation in Sweden.

tisdag 2 oktober 2018


Margot Wallström måste vara en av vår tids största hycklare alla kategorier. Förutom att hon fuskade sig till en lyxlägenhet i Stockholm har hon förnedrat Sverige i utrikespolitiken och alienerat många judar. Har hon gjort sig skyldig till anti-semitism? Nej, men enligt Siewert Öholm en oerhörd chican. Jag hoppas socialdemokraterna ser till att rensa upp i sitt eget parti. In med kompetenta människor som står för äkta solidaritet och medmänsklighet. Margot borde engagerat sig i Bangladesh och Pakistan snarare än det konfliktladdade mellanöstern. Sverige är ingen supermakt! Wallström borde lära sig att veta hut precis som den lågutbildade Stefan Löfvén. Kanske hade det varit bättre om han fortsatt svetsa han begriper sig inte på politik.

Vi behöver nya partier såsom LPO och Enhet! Vi behöver alliera oss med Kanada, Ryssland och kanske till och med Dalai Lama! Tibetanerna förlorade sitt land, svenskarna kan förlora sitt.